iPad 2 which was released a few days ago has already been Jailbreaked by the Famous iOS developer and hacked "Comex". The iPad 2 was running on iOS 4.3 and was Jailbreaked using the new jailbreak tool "JailbreakMe 3.0". Comex is also well know for releasing other successful jailbreaking tools such as Spirit and JailbreakMe. Here's a recent tweet log from his page:
@iphone_dev: Congrats to @comex for jailbreaking yet another brand new device (iPad2) while 2500 miles away from it!
@chpwn: by @comex: http://t.co/osP6lz
@comex: would’ve had it yesterday if I didn’t have to spend 1.5 days looking for a replacement exploit (which came from a most unexpected place…)
To further proof the success of the jailbreak process he posted this image:
Although the tool isn't released yet to jailbreak iPad2 and neither an ETA has been giving but the DEV team would sure be working on it and as soon as it arrives we'll let you know.